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Western NSW Health Careers

At Western NSW Local Health District you can bring your purpose to life, broaden your scope and fast track your career. Your autonomy is supported in a collaborative and caring team environment and our focus on innovation means you’ll be shaping the future of rural health. Challenge yourself. Make an impact. Shape the future. Work with us at Western NSW Local Health District.

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This position may receive Attraction and Relocation Incentives valued up to $20k, with a Rural & Regional Health Allowance (taxable) of $10k...

Registered Nurse

REQ454960 Requisition #

This position will also attract the NSW Dental Officer Rural Incentive Scheme (DORIS) equivalent to $20,000 per annum ($10.09 per hour)....

Dental Officers

REQ444902 Requisition #

This position will also attract the NSW Dental Officer Rural Incentive Scheme (DORIS) equivalent to $20,000 per annum ($10.09 per hour)....

Dental Officers

REQ435449 Requisition #

This position will also attract the NSW Dental Officer Rural Incentive Scheme (DORIS) equivalent to $20,000 per annum ($10.09 per hour)....

Dental Officers

REQ435436 Requisition #

This position may receive Attraction and Relocation Incentives valued up to $20k, with a Rural & Regional Health Allowance (taxable) of $10k...

Registered Nurse

REQ454946 Requisition #

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